+48 452 326 114
Mon-Fr 9:00 - 18:00 GMT+1


 GRAVICON SPE focuses on integrated solutions relating to preparation of mineral and technogenic raw materials, based on gravity separation methods with a fully closed water-slurry circuit.


ore dressing >>>
coal enrichment >>>

As is known, the productivity of a jigging machine depends on the width of the compartments, and the quality of concentration depends on the total length of the working surface of the sieves. The standard size range of serial jigging machines perfectly corresponds to the serial production of equipment and processing plants, but does not allow obtaining the optimal result in a particular case. Being the developers of jigging machines, based on the analysis of raw materials for washability and in accordance with the performance required by the customer, we design OM that allows you to get the maximum enrichment efficiency of your source material.


At the same time, often organizations for which the concentration is not a core activity, but for one reason or another they want to process raw materials, are the first to ask the question about the cost of a jigging machine as the main  unit, around which the rest of the technological piping is built. But neither the price of the jigging machine nor the jigging machine itself is even 1/4 of the complete solution. Because when designing a complex, it is necessary to solve a whole group of tasks:

- conduct laboratory studies of feedstock for dressability, which, together with the requirements of the customer's TOR, will serve as the basis for the entire development of the project;
- in the absence of serial products that are optimal in terms of parameters for the task of enrichment, develop a new one / adapt the existing one to obtain the maximum economic effect in the processing process;
- design load-bearing structures taking into account the available buildings and areas, as well as taking into account climatic conditions, access roads, available power supply and customer requirements;
- calculate the consumption of air and water based on the parameters of the source material, the required performance and the resources available;
- select equipment for technological piping according to the calculated parameters (pumps, blowers, receivers, coal pumps, etc.);
- design internal transport logistics, which will ensure the optimal functioning of the complex in the future;
develop a foundation plan;
- design a system of pipelines and valves for supplying circulating water, make-up water, air and dumping sludge into the sump. For a complex for 100 tons per hour, the total mass of pipelines and valves is about 15 ... 18 tons, excluding the length of pipelines to the circulating water sump, because this distance varies from units to hundreds of meters depending on the project;
- carry out a project in terms of power distribution and automation to ensure the maximum level of controllability, information content, energy saving and reliability for both line personnel and managers / owners of the enterprise;
- design a system of cable routes and develop a cable magazine (a complete set of cable and wire products is included in the delivery set of the processing complex);
and most importantly - to launch, set up and get the initially intended result in terms of the quantity and quality of the concentrate.


Buying a Jigging Machine, you acquire equipment.

Ordering GRAVICON complex, you get the solution to your task.


Solving with us the preparation tasks you save time, money and get a guaranteed result. Equipment manufacturing takes 3-4 months. Installation process (supporting structures are shipped first) begins in the 2-3rd month, since the first day of which our design experts are present for the onsite supervising. Our process engineers perform commissioning in the 5-7th months. Working with us, within six months from the contract signature you get an operating mini plant for preparation of raw materials. And "mini" is only in terms of execution period and capital expenditures, though in terms of capacity (up to 400 t/h), this is a large, fully featured central preparation plant.